Leadership and Corporate Governance
Teva’s Corporate Governance policies provide the company with a comprehensive structure of best practices and highest standards.
We maintain compliance with these policies, ensuring the company acts responsibly, ethically and lawfully. Key to this is the great emphasis we place on transparency throughout our business - from production and development to the way we manage our business.
Anyone with concerns regarding potential violations of Teva’s Code, policies or laws, can report it to Teva’s Office of Business Integrity (OBI) through the Teva Integrity Hotline at tevahotline.ethicspoint.com.
The OBI has an “Open Door Policy” and takes every report of non-compliance seriously. Per the Teva Code of Conduct, Teva has a strict non-retaliation policy which is enforced to provide protection for employees who communicate with the OBI; Teva will not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone for making a good faith report of a potential violation.

Corporate Governance & Policy Documents
Transparency and Ethical Business Practice