Committees of the Board

Our Articles of Association provide that the Board of Directors may delegate its powers to one or more committees as it deems appropriate to the extent such delegation is permitted under the Israeli Companies Law. The Board of Directors has appointed the standing committees listed below, as well as committees appointed from time to time for specific purposes determined by the Board.
We have adopted charters for all of our standing committees, formalizing the committees’ procedures and duties.
These committee charters are available HERE.
Audit Committee
The Israeli Companies Law requires publicly held Israeli companies to appoint an audit committee. As a NYSE-listed company, Teva’s Audit Committee must be comprised solely of independent directors, as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and NYSE regulations.
The responsibilities of our Audit Committee include, among others: (a) identifying flaws in the management of our business and making recommendations to the Board of Directors as to how to correct them and providing for arrangements regarding employee complaints with respect thereto; (b) making determinations and considering providing approvals concerning certain related party transactions and certain actions involving conflicts of interest; (c) reviewing the internal auditor’s performance and approving the internal audit work program and examining our internal control structure and processes; (d) examining the independent auditor’s scope of work and fees; and (e) providing for arrangements regarding employee complaints regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters and monitoring compliance with and investigating alleged violations and enforcing provisions of Teva’s Code of Conduct. Furthermore, the Audit Committee discusses the financial statements and the disclosure under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” (the “MD&A”) and presents to the Board of Directors its recommendations with respect to the proposed financial statements and MD&A.
In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and NYSE requirements, the Audit Committee is directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the work of our independent auditors. In addition, the Audit Committee is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors in monitoring our financial statements, the effectiveness of our internal controls and our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee also discusses our policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management regarding financial reporting and risks that may be material to us and major legislative and regulatory developments that could materially impact Teva’s contingent liabilities and risks.
The Audit Committee charter sets forth the scope of the committee’s responsibilities, including its structure, processes and membership requirements; the committee’s purpose; its specific responsibilities and authority with respect to, among others, registered public accounting firms; complaints relating to accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; and its authority to engage advisors as determined by the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee also reviews and receives briefings concerning Teva’s information security and technology risks, including cybersecurity, and has been briefed on Teva’s information security and risk management programs. Teva’s information security office leads our cybersecurity risk management program.
All of the Audit Committee members have been determined to be independent as defined by SEC and NYSE regulations.
The Board of Directors has determined that, of the directors on this committee, Gerald M. Lieberman (chair) and Roberto A. Mignone are “audit committee financial experts” as defined by applicable SEC regulations.
Human Resources and Compensation Committee
The Israeli Companies Law requires publicly held Israeli companies to appoint a compensation committee. As a NYSE-listed company, Teva’s HR and Compensation Committee must be comprised solely of independent directors, as defined by the SEC and NYSE regulations.
The HR and Compensation Committee is responsible for establishing annual and long-term performance goals and objectives for our executive officers, as well as reviewing our compensation philosophy and policies (including our Compensation Policy).
The HR and Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing plans for the succession of our chief executive officer and other senior members of executive management.
The HR and Compensation Committee also evaluates the performance of our chief executive officer and other executive officers, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the compensation of our executive officers and directors, reviews any organizational restructuring pertaining to the roles, responsibilities and selection of executive officers and oversees our labor practices.
All of the HR and Compensation Committee members have been determined to be independent as defined by SEC and NYSE regulations.
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
The NYSE Listed Company Manual requires publicly listed companies to appoint a corporate governance / nominating committee composed entirely of independent directors, as defined by NYSE regulations.
The role of our Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is to (i) identify individuals who are qualified to become directors; (ii) recommend to the Board of Directors director nominees for each annual meeting of shareholders; and (iii) assist the Board of Directors in establishing and reviewing Teva’s statement of corporate governance principles and promoting good corporate governance in Teva.
All of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee members have been determined to be independent as defined by NYSE regulations.
Finance and Investment Committee
The role of our Finance and Investment Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to our financial and investment strategies and policies, including determining policies on these matters and monitoring implementation. It is also authorized to approve certain financial transactions (such as material loans and other financing arrangements), review our financial risk management policies and evaluate the execution, financial results and integration of Teva’s completed acquisitions, as well as various other finance-related matters, including our global tax structure and allocation policies. According to the committee’s charter, at least one of the committee’s members must be qualified as a financial and accounting expert under SEC regulations and/or the Israeli Companies Law.
The Board of Directors has determined that, of the directors on this committee, Gerald M. Lieberman and Roberto A. Mignone (chair) are financial and accounting experts under Israeli law.
A majority of committee members must be determined to be independent as defined by NYSE regulations.
Compliance Committee
The role of our Compliance Committee is to oversee our: (i) policies and practices for complying with laws, regulations and internal procedures; (ii) policies and practices regarding issues that have the potential to seriously impact our business and reputation; (iii) global public policy positions; (iv) strategy and governance of ESG matters and to advise the Board on ESG matters; and (v) implementation of our culture of integrity.
A majority of committee members must be determined to be independent as defined by NYSE regulations. The chairperson of the Audit Committee shall be invited by the committee chairperson to participate in the Compliance Committee, as deemed relevant to the committee’s agenda.
Science and Technology Committee
The Science and Technology Committee oversees our overall strategic direction and investment in research and development and technological and scientific initiatives. As part of this responsibility, it reviews scientific and R&D strategy and priorities, scientific aspects of business development activities and technological trends. It assists the Board of Directors in risk management oversight relating to R&D and our intellectual property, advises on our intellectual property strategy, reviews new technology in which Teva is, or is considering, investing and reviews the efficacy and safety profile of new pharmaceuticals.
All of the committee members must be determined to have scientific, medical or other related expertise. A majority of committee members must be determined to be independent as defined by NYSE regulations.