Danielle Newport Fancher

Danielle Newport Fancher

Danielle Newport Fancher is a writer and chronic migraineur who lives and works in Manhattan. She’s sick of the stigma that a migraine is “just a headache” and she’s made it her mission to change that perception.

  • Living With Condition: 19 Years
  • Location: New York, USA

About Danielle

Fancher attended Skidmore College, where she received her BS degree in Management and Business. She currently lives in Manhattan and, in her spare time, can be found writing at her favourite coffee shop in Gramercy. 

A brief history with the condition

"I’ve had migraines for the past fourteen years – with ten of those years being chronic. My migraine brain continues to stump my doctors, some of the best neurology and migraine specialists in the country. For many years, I have proactively done everything possible to beat migraine brain with little success. My efforts range from treatment at a specialized in-patient neurological centre to quitting my job to live on the beach in Costa Rica because I lost all hope of a migraine-free life."