Jaime Sanders

Jaime Sanders

Jaime Sanders is a blogger and patient advocate who lives in Virginia with her husband and three children.

  • Living With Condition: 35 Years
  • Location: Virginia, USA

About Jaime

Jaime has had a life-long journey with migraine and lived most of her adult life with depression. From a toddler with abdominal migraine to a wife and mother with chronic migraine, Jaime has learned to turn her pain into empowerment over the past 37 years.

Through her advocacy work and blog, The Migraine Diva, Jaime’s mission is to make a very invisible disease visible to the rest of the world and validate the real pain of millions. She works with several non-profit organizations in a collaborative effort to educate, empower and uplift migraine patients and their caregivers. As the Migraine Patient Advocate Coordinator for Global Healthy Living Foundation, Jaime’s role is to help recruit migraine patients into the advocacy role to change legislature and insurance policies to improve their access to care on the state level.

Creating migraine and mental health specific content is one of her passions as it helps to keep her connected to those communities while also offering support, compassion and validation for illnesses that are highly stigmatized and misunderstood.




Articles By Jaime Sanders