Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find Teva clinical trials (studies) that are accepting new participants?
You may search for Teva sponsored clinical trials (studies) by geographic location at ClinicalTrials.gov, EU Clinical Trials Register, Clinical Trials Information System or on the Teva Find A Trial search page.
2. How do I know if I qualify for participation?
There are specific requirements for participation in each study. Only the study doctor can determine if you meet all of the requirements for participation. If you are interested in participation, please search for a study and contact the study doctor to make an appointment. You may request contact information for a study doctor near you by using the email address or phone number provided.
3. Will it cost me anything to participate?
No, you will not be charged for study medication, study related doctor visits, or study procedures.
4. Will I be compensated?
You may be compensated. Please ask your study doctor for additional details.
5. Can I change my mind and drop out at any time?
Yes, you may drop out of the study at any time by informing your study doctor. You may be asked to complete follow up visits to collect safety information.
6. How is the safety of study participants protected?
The informed consent process is required for all clinical studies conducted in human participants. The process makes sure that the participant understands the purpose of the study, the potential benefits and risks of the study, alternative treatment options, and it helps them decide if they want to participate in the study. Participants have an opportunity to ask questions about the study before deciding if they want to participate. In addition, all clinical trial participants are monitored by the study doctor for safety information and health changes. An ethics committee or Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews study information and study conduct to make sure appropriate procedures are being followed.
7. Can I still see my primary care doctor?
Yes, you can continue to see your primary care doctor for regular visits. You should inform your doctor of your participation in your clinical study.
8. Will study results be made available?
Study results are made available on ClinicalTrials.gov for most studies approximately one year after study completion according to regulatory requirements. Certain studies may postpone sharing the results due to product development timelines or pending study medication approvals according to regulatory requirements.
Study results are made available on the EU Clinical Trials Register or Clinical Trials Information System for most studies conducted in pediatric participants approximately six months after study completion according to regulatory requirements. Study results are made available on the EU Clinical Trials Register or Clinical Trials Information System for most studies conducted in adult participants approximately one year after study completion according to regulatory requirements.
9. Can I join an expanded access/compassionate use program?
If you are a patient, please contact your healthcare provider to inquire about requesting compassionate use. If you are a licensed prescriber, please visit our Expanded Access/Compassionate Use page for more information.
NPS-ALL-NP-01270 MAY 2024