Jennifer Barnes

Manager, US Pharmacovigilance Compliance
With Teva: Less than a year
Typical day at Teva:
Management of US Audits and Inspections; oversight of training and compliance.
Most memorable experience at Teva:
In my second week at Teva, we had an FDA inspection. With the team’s support I was able to quickly learn the process and effectively contribute to a successful audit experience. I was impressed with how seamlessly our team worked together, and felt proud to have joined a group that operates with a spirit of excellence and a “get it right the first time” attitude.
Biggest influence on my career at Teva:
My manager has been instrumental in training and empowering me to execute my responsibilities with full confidence. Plus, we share the same values of ensuring patient safety.
On making a difference:
The success of Teva depends on our ability to ensure that all our products are as safe as possible and that the benefit-risk profiles have been effectively assessed. As the compliance manager, I work to ensure consistency in our processes and training and I feel honored to be entrusted with these duties.
In my spare time:
I enjoy family time and manage our church’s food pantry. We provide groceries to 300 people in need in our community each month.
On working at Teva:
Teva needs people with drive and creativity. There is a lot to do on a daily basis. But, as our motto states, our success depends on our ability to work together, so you need to be a good team player. We’re encouraged to be creative: fresh ideas, though unconventional, can provide a new perspective and offer better solutions. The managers at Teva are open to new ways of doing things that make Teva better, so don’t be afraid to speak up.